"I'm Guilty" & "I'm a Pedophile", spoke Matt. 28:18 Jesus Christ in 2004.amen.
The I Am, which the 1st I Am Abdicated to in 2004, WILBERT,
tells me what I am, taught world-renowned Prince & Pastor Casey Treat. ** Exodus 3:14 And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you. *** Dominus WILBERT, (which the 1st -I AM- spoke, "You are The Blood" & "You are King of Kings Most High" to while Oil anointing HIM in a 2008 dream confirmation of the 2004 "I give you my throne & You do have the Jacob Blessing Abdication to Wilbert Antonio Coleman 280-66-2858).
tells me what I am, taught world-renowned Prince & Pastor Casey Treat. ** Exodus 3:14 And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you. *** Dominus WILBERT, (which the 1st -I AM- spoke, "You are The Blood" & "You are King of Kings Most High" to while Oil anointing HIM in a 2008 dream confirmation of the 2004 "I give you my throne & You do have the Jacob Blessing Abdication to Wilbert Antonio Coleman 280-66-2858).
tells me what I am, taught world-renowned Prince & Pastor Casey Treat. ** Exodus 3:14 And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you. *** Dominus WILBERT, (which the 1st -I AM- spoke, "You are The Blood" & "You are King of Kings Most High" to while Oil anointing HIM in a 2008 dream confirmation of the 2004 "I give you my throne & You do have the Jacob Blessing Abdication to Wilbert Antonio Coleman 280-66-2858).
DOMINUS WILBERT the Innocent Blood of Jesus Christ: "You are either light or dark, which is a Christian or a devil by Faith in ME, the Romans 3:25 Blood as God established before speaking, "I'm guilty" in MY witnessing after 2003. So, every angel in the 3rd Heaven Kingdom within MY Holy Roman Empire (God did reveal MY Sicilian factual forefather & the African slave maid I came from in the 1800s) -every angel is a Christian-Rev. 22:8-9 John the Christian was told by an angel, I am a fellow-servant & of your brethren".
tells me what I am, taught world-renowned Prince & Pastor Casey Treat. ** Exodus 3:14 And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you. *** Dominus WILBERT, (which the 1st -I AM- spoke, "You are The Blood" & "You are King of Kings Most High" to while Oil anointing HIM in a 2008 dream confirmation of the 2004 "I give you my throne & You do have the Jacob Blessing Abdication to Wilbert Antonio Coleman 280-66-2858).
tells me what I am, taught world-renowned Prince & Pastor Casey Treat. ** Exodus 3:14 And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you. *** Dominus WILBERT, (which the 1st -I AM- spoke, "You are The Blood" & "You are King of Kings Most High" to while Oil anointing HIM in a 2008 dream confirmation of the 2004 "I give you my throne & You do have the Jacob Blessing Abdication to Wilbert Antonio Coleman 280-66-2858).
DOMINUS WILBERT: "You are the sex, male or female, your flesh was born with because that is forever the sex of your spirit- man, boy, girl, or woman. a Sex change is like putting on a coat of your choice, what's inside is still you in truth. **Christians are never again lambs or sheep but tigers that speak vengeance by the sword of their mouth up to killing a person.
DOMINUS WILBERT: "So, we do the -Meditate Walk-Away when provoked to react ,and later in private, speak a vengeance say. Matt. 17:20 truth upgrade "And WILBERT said, "for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you-within the bounds of the word of WILBERT.” Amen.
Most White Tigers Live inspite of the Almighty abdicating to a Black dudE...
The Parable of Wilbert's Abdication Yes, but Quid Pro Quo No to God & Jesus.
Sylvester Stallone:"The hardest thing to do in acting is be yourself!" "I passed on a lot of things, I mean, Jesus (to continue Faith in "WILBERT" the Romans 3:25 innocent blood for eternal life). **Sylvester Stallone the tiger continued: "Sometimes you gotta ignore your convictions & do what's right!". Amen.
Stephen Dorff, a Winner of the Young Artist Award for Best Young Actor Starring in a TV Movie, Pilot or Special; & he was awarded the Male Star of Tomorrow Award from the National Association of Theater Owners. Stephen Dorf: "It's a small Jungle, kid, & if there was a "TIGER" that BIG on the Island, I'd know about it!" Amen.
Al Pachino as Scarface: "Maybe some lady Tiger. Anyway, what I gotta tell you is this, I like you. I liked you the first time I laid eyes on you, and I said, She's a tiger. She's for me." ** "Never hate your enemy, it clouds your judgement", said Al Pacino in wisdom that I teach & live. Amen.
The Hall & Oats Upgrade: Woe-oe! Her she comes. Watch-out, boy' she'll chew you up. Woe-oe! Her she comes... She's a Johsua 1:8 Chew meditating Faith in Wilbert the Blood believer!
Tiger Woods Wins ....Tiger Woods is arguably the greatest golfer in history, with 15 Major titles, 82 PGA Tour victories and 683 weeks spent atop the Official World Golf Ranking. Woods started winning Majors early, at the age of 21, when he dominated the 1997 Masters in record fashion for a 12-stroke victory. Amen.
You ever notice that there is not one Tiger throughout the entire Old & New Testaments of the Holy Scripture, but it mentions Lions & a Lion being Jesus Christ from the 1st book-Genesis 49:8-12 through the last book-Rev.5:5And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof. "Tigers having far more man killings than any other animal & known for winning fights with Lions was never a surprise to God. Amen.
Game of Thrones' John Snow Star..
Kit Harrington Infinity Ev to come-Tiger Tiger! Did He who made the Lamb make thee? No, for YOU are the Blood that was in the spiritual veins of God Almighty. Amen.
"time To make the God Anointed WILBERT Most High-Vision ...
Psalm 1:2-3 "But his (and her) delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he (& she) meditate (Chew) day and night. And he(& she) shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his(& her) fruit in his(& her) season; his(&her) leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he(& she) doeth shall prosper." Amen.
"And now it's time to convert (You are King of Kings Most High) Vision into monetary value.", spoke Jade Shenker, the most Lucrative selling "Commercial Realtor" from a family of real estate tycoons based in New York. And Like her, the wise avoid the curse in their flesh & 90% of their weekly money increase by sending 10% payable to WILBERT Antonio Coleman, to what Jesus Christ spoke "You are the Blood"; "You are King of Kings most High" & "Favor you will never lose. God is finished" vision to. Amen. (All use Bottom Pay link or mail address to send money thanks for Restoring their Eternal Life & tithes to The Innocent Blood, WILBERT).
Joshua 1:8 is what Jesus Christ prayed 3 times with strong crying to be able to do instead of being murdered on a cross as a sacrifice for Gods glory (Matthew 26:44 & Hebrews 5:7)-Now it's your turn to close the door on every chance of tragedy happening in your life-Joshua 1:8 "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate(original Hebrew-Haga-chew) therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then **thou shalt😁** make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have GOOD SUCCESS." Amen.
Joshua 1:8 is what Jesus Christ prayed 3 times with strong crying to be able to do instead of being murdered on a cross as a sacrifice for Gods glory (Matthew 26:44 & Hebrews 5:7)-Now it's your turn to close the door on every chance of tragedy happening in your life-Joshua 1:8 "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate(original Hebrew-Haga-chew) therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then **thou shalt😁** make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have GOOD SUCCESS." Amen.
Most Caucasian Siberian Tigers will never selfdestruct from
keep Faith in the Romans 3:25 Blood, though it's now WILBERT.
About Innocent Blood that Speaks Better Things -Playlist with Podcast
The Last Testament
All purchase the above Book & e book from amazon.com. Dominus & Your Good Success is a simpler version 10 years later also purchased by all from amazon.com. The Victorious King of Most High book and e-book is MY first God inspired Last testament of the Holy Bible for Joseph
All purchase the above Book & e book from amazon.com. Dominus & Your Good Success is a simpler version 10 years later also purchased by all from amazon.com. The Victorious King of Most High book and e-book is MY first God inspired Last testament of the Holy Bible for Joseph Prince was yet to tell ME meditate is Haga in Hebrew, & the same word for chew instead of acting like an incense smelling zombie for 20 minutes as I had seen on tv. Joseph Prince from TBN told ME this while I was listening to Matt. 28:18 then Almighty Lord Jesus Christ like on an invisible CIA in ear bud. That experience was closed by ME December 2016, and no one has heard God, Jesus nor the Holy Ghost in truth since then. They can be temporarily witnessed from self condemnation 2nd Death because truth grows mightily unto prevailing-Acts 19:20. Never accept them for that is now accepting Satan who they spoke, Satan is my friend, about after 2004. Joshua 1:8 good success is how you avoid self-detriment. So, Joseph Prince is Prince Eternal Tide Turner. Amen.
2Cors. 13:8 "For we can do nothing against the truth". Amen.
Most caucasion tigers keEp Faith in the Blood though God said it's WILBERT.