Prince Jim Lowe: "Now, the Serpent was more crafty, sneaky, conniving. scheming, underhanded, able to do things that he was able to wiggle his way through. How was he doing all this kind a stuff? He worked with Reason. Reason that make sense. Remember what He (now LORD Most High WILBERT) said, MY ways are not your ways, Reason. Watch it, this is what screwed us all up, Reason: hath the Lord God said you must not eat of every tree in the garden, in other words... THINK! Did God say don't eat of this tree over here. Reason with it, does it make any sense? No, it doesn't make sense because Gods ways (were) not our ways. But any time you start thinking about it, that's when you mess up. Notice the key to make her fail (THINK!).And Peter, this is a carpenter, he don't know how ta fish.
Prince Jim Lowe: "You need to be talking about-I ain't got no fishes. You need to be talkin about how I'm gone get some fish to get me some money. Don't be telling me about God love me, it don't look like God love me, I ain't got no money! He could have allowed Jesus to be an offense. The corner stone became their stumbling block. You need to hear the Revelation & not the Reason. Revelation gives solutions but Reason only puts a bigger mess for you. I'm gonna show you Reason. Genesis 3rd Chapter verse 1, that's what got us in this mess... was Reason, not Revelation. God had said to Adam, Of all of the trees in the garden you can eat freely, get the Revelation, now. Everything you won't you can have except one thing, that one tree that's in the middle of the garden, that's what I don't want you to eat from.
Prince Jim Lowe: "Now, the Serpent was more crafty, sneaky, conniving. scheming, underhanded, able to do things that he was able to wiggle his way through. How was he doing all this kind a stuff? He worked with Reason. Reason that make sense. Remember what He (now LORD Most High WILBERT) said, MY ways are not your ways, Reason. Watch it, this is what screwed us all up, Reason: hath the Lord God said you must not eat of every tree in the garden, in other words... THINK! Did God say don't eat of this tree over here. Reason with it, does it make any sense? No, it doesn't make sense because Gods ways (were) not our ways. But any time you start thinking about it, that's when you mess up. Notice the key to make her fail (THINK!).And Peter, this is a carpenter, he don't know how ta fish.