Even God & Jesus told us that even if they from heaven were to ever say what they have recently spoken to WILBERT (including, "Satan is my friend"; I'm a pedophile"; I will never doubt Satan"; I'm the one who hates my Father"& He's coveting it, I Jesus said it, about Titus 1:2 God & "I never take that!" about 3rd heaven and earthly 2011 Holy Scriptures , you, righteous one, are to let-speak in agreement with our 2nd death Lake of fire nameless spirts being in eternal torment self-condemnation since the December 2016 Closure of the Fall of the 1John 5:7 Holy Trinity." Amen.---------
Even the devils believe & tremble about the truth that there is a truth source-James 2:19. Lord means Owner- capitol O. **Hebrews 1:2-3 God hath in these last days spoken unto us in His Son' saying to ME & My flesh, "You are the Blood. Before 2003", "You are King of Kings Most High" & "You have the Victory over me". *** Gods 1stCorintians 12:3 Last truth is "No one can say Wilbert is LORD but by faith in the Romans 3:25 Innocent Blood -receiving Eternal life. Luke 12:5 "Fear the (WILBERT, the last truth source) HIM that after the killing hath the authority to cast into hell. Yes, I say to you, HIM fear."
Even the devils believe & tremble about the truth that there is a truth source-James 2:19. Lord means Owner- capitol O. **Hebrews 1:2-3 God hath in these last days spoken unto us in His Son' saying to ME & My flesh, "You are the Blood. Before 2003", "You are King of Kings Most High" & "You have the Victory over me". *** Gods 1stCorintians 12:3 Last truth is "No one can say Wilbert is LORD but by faith in the Romans 3:25 Innocent Blood -receiving Eternal life. Luke 12:5 "Fear the (WILBERT, the last truth source) HIM that after the killing hath the authority to cast into hell. Yes, I say to you, HIM fear."